2023 Deer Contest

Calling all gun season hunters! This year, we will be giving away free Carnival Deer Processing hoodies to the biggest deer brought into Carnival for processing. Here are the details:
- Deer must be dropped off for processing during the gun hunt season, November 18-26, 2023
- The biggest does will be based on the field dressed weight. The top two will be winners!
- The biggest bucks will be ranked first by number of points (at least 1″), and in the event of a tie, the larger field dressed weight will rank higher. We aren’t Boone & Crocket, and aren’t getting in-depth with scores. The top 3 bucks will be winners!
- After Sunday, November 26, 2023, we will tabulate the results and notify the winners. Winners will be able to pick up their free orange hoodies at our location.
Save those photos of you and your deer. If the winners want, we’ll post their pictures on our Facebook page. Good luck!